Fabreeka produce and develop vibration isolation and shock control solutions for variety of fields and industries.
Incorporated in 1918, Fabreeka obtained vast knowledge and experience, Working with engineers at well-known companies all over the world.
Fabreeka has the following product categories:
- Automatic Precision Leveling Systems - Pneumatic solutions which support very low natural frequencies, even less than 1 Hz. Those unique high-end solutions available with control panel for monitoring and adjusting the required isolation level.
- Mounts and Levelers – Self-contained products which have the ability for self-aligning. Those two key features allow easy and quick installation for various machinery.
- Pads – A vast range of pad-solutions which includes: Fabcel pad, a cellular, nitrile pad used in industrial applications for reduction of vibration and structure-borne noise, Isolation mounts and more. Furthermore, Fabreeka developed a unique-original Fabreeka pad: A preformed fabric pad used for absorbing impact shocks and vibration control.
- Isolation Tables – Fabreeka Isolation tables provide self-leveling work surface and low frequency isolation (1.5 Hz) needed in laboratories, cleanrooms and inspection areas where footfall or structural vibration can decrease or harm the performance, reliability and accuracy of the application.
- Structural Expansion Bearings – Fabreeka has been recognized as a leader manufacturer in the fields of expansion bearings and pipe slides. Using Fabreeka unique pads to take up adverse rotation, misalignment conditions and the reduction of localized stresses and vibrations within the structures.
To complement these expansion bearings, Fabreeka provides a full line of bearing pad products, in order to support all types of building and construction applications.
For more information: Fabreeka
Medital Novelty
E-mail: novelty@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000260
Yaron Dean
E-mail: yaron@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4923212
Direct Tel: 073-2000212
Guy Issler
E-mail: Guy@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4973300
Direct Tel: 073-2000216
Dvir Shemesh
E-mail: Dvir@medital.co.il
Mobile: 052-5228818
Direct Tel: 073-2000252
Roman Shapira
E-mail: roman@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-7661003
Direct Tel: 073-2000239
E-mail: novelty@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000260
Yaron Dean
E-mail: yaron@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4923212
Direct Tel: 073-2000212
Guy Issler
E-mail: Guy@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4973300
Direct Tel: 073-2000216
Dvir Shemesh
E-mail: Dvir@medital.co.il
Mobile: 052-5228818
Direct Tel: 073-2000252
Roman Shapira
E-mail: roman@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-7661003
Direct Tel: 073-2000239