BJ Gears
Stainless Steel Worm Gearbox
BJ Gears is a Danish manufacturer who produce wide range of worm gearboxes, standard and customs.
For extreme environmental conditions, BJ Gears propose Stainless Steel version of worm gearboxes. The housing and many other components are made from Stainless Steel, providing IP level of IP66, so the gearbox can operate under water and humidity conditions.
The gearbox comes with ratio of between 1:5 to 1:100, with maximum torque of up to 891Nm.
Furthermore, BJ Gears offer suitable Stainless AC or servo motor, in case a complete hygienic gear motor is required. To achieve an overall protection of IP66 by assembly of gearboxes and motor, you must use a special gasket for the joint. This means that the actuator is ideal for free mounting without a traditional stainless safety cover in areas where hygiene requirements are highest.
The stainless-steel gearbox is suitable for wide range of applications, such as: Radars, marine systems, medical field and more.
E-mail: Hi-Tech@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000280
Avihai Ben Naim
Mobile: 054-6707555
E-mail: avihai@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000227
Ronen Sagi
Mobile: 054-6319985
E-mail: ronen@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000231
Din Kosberg
Mobile: 054-3826374
E-mail: din@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000245