Structural Expansion Bearings
Fabreeka has been recognized as a leader manufacturer in the fields of expansion bearings and pipe slides. Using Fabreeka unique pads to take up adverse rotation, misalignment conditions and the reduction of localized stresses and vibrations within the structures.
To complement these expansion bearings, Fabreeka provides a full line of bearing pad products, to support all types of building and construction applications.
Fabreeka® Structural Expansion Bearings consist of an Upper Unit and a Lower Unit.
The Upper Unit includes a 10 GA carbon steel plate with a mirror finish stainless steel facing, epoxy-bonded
and/or spot-welded, as required, to the bottom surface.
The Lower Unit is comprised of a Fabreeka® preformed fabric pad surfaced with PTFE. A rigid confining
medium substrate bonds the PTFE to the pad, which is epoxy-bonded, as required, to a 10 GA carbon steel
When the Upper and Lower Units are mated, the stainless steel facing slides on the PTFE surface with an
extremely low coefficient of friction. The Coefficient of Friction between the self-lubricating bearing element
(PTFE) and the stainless steel shall not be more than 0.06 at 800 psi compressive loading.
Further information: https://www.fabreeka.com/products/fabreeka-ptfe-bearing-pads/
E-mail: novelty@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000260
Yaron Dean
E-mail: yaron@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4923212
Direct Tel: 073-2000212
Guy Issler
E-mail: Guy@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4973300
Direct Tel: 073-2000216
Dvir Shemesh
E-mail: Dvir@medital.co.il
Mobile: 052-5228818
Direct Tel: 073-2000252
Roman Shapira
E-mail: roman@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-7661003
Direct Tel: 073-2000239